Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Learning Tajweed


Only in recent months that I have the chance to learn more on the Quran tajweed, from friends and teachers, and mostly done through online during this MCO (movement control order) because of the covid-19 pandemic. Filling the "quarantined" time with the best options available. May my family, friends and me stay istiqomah in this learning process..Aamiin.


(excerpt from :

Reading al-Quran is a highly encouraged act in the religion and it is really emphasised to read it perfectly with the best recitation. It is clear that the ethics in reading al-Quran is reading it perfectly with tartil which is perfecting the pronunciation of Arabic letters, waqf ibtida’ and etc. This is in accordance with the saying of Allah SWT:

وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا

Or add to it, and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.

(Surah al-Muzammil (4))


[Note : Waqf Ibtida' - proper places to begin and the rules of stopping when reading Quran is of utmost importance in order not to make fatal pronunciation mistakes or change the entire meaning.]

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